Chief Master Sergeant, USAF (Ret) Brent is the Chief Executive Officer collaboratively and works with the Advisory Board in leading the transformation of the new Patriots Honor Nonprofit Organization from its current stage to a more mature organization capable of delivering on its long term vision and goals dedicated to all servicemen and service women in harms way. As Patriots Honor Organization Founder in 2013, he serves as Chief Executive Officer, overseeing all aspects of the organization.
Specifically, Brent ensures that Patriots Honor Organization operations, fundraising, marketing, human resource, technology, and programmatic strategies are effectively implemented across all segments of the organization. Touched by service members inspiring stories of overcoming the devastating effects of injuries during combat he chose to make a difference in the lives of who sacrificed so much.
For more than 26 years, Brent has dedicated his life works to the United States Air Force. Now serving as the Maintenance Superintendent for the 13th Reconnaissance Squadron, Beale AFB, California, he ensures RQ-4 Global Hawk aircraft are maintained at the highest levels of war readiness capabilities by effectively utilizing resources to meet the needs of the unit and its organizational requirements. Brent was born in Miami, Florida and entered the Air Force November 1986. His background includes various duties in aircraft maintenance and as a career enlisted flight engineer at the squadron, group, and numbered Air Force.
Additionally, he has deployed and flown missions in support of Operations Deep Freeze, Just Cause, Desert Storm, Desert Shield, Provide Comfort, Southern Watch, Northern Watch, Restore Hope, Restore Hope II, Decisive Endeavor, Deliberate Forge, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, Phoenix Jackal, Joint Guardian and several humanitarian relief missions. Brent’s senior military leadership experience coupled with his vast education and in-depth program management skills has vitalized the Patriots Honor mission and desire to help our own.
Brent is married to Kari, they reside in California and have one son Garrett.